Saturday, January 11, 2014

Attention : No Longer Update This Blog

Hi everyone... thanks for coming to this blog. This blog is actually made for testing purposes and I will no longer update this blog until further notice.

Whatever it is... I am still available at my main blog,

Till then, have a nice day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Looking For Blogger Friends

Hello.... Is anybody out there? I mean, are you lonely? There are so many bloggers out there who do not notice your existence. Sad? Don't be shy. Try to expose yourself. As a new blogger, you must be brave. Don't wait for others to come to your blog. You must have your own effort then try to visit and follow them first. 

My suggestions are :

  1. Visit famous bloggers who have thousands of followers in the Google Friend Connect widget. Try to follow the follower's blog by clicking on the photo icon and leave your blog link (wishing that they will visit and follow you back). But remember do not force them to follow you back.
  2. Expose your blog by joining segments, contests and giveaways from bloggers.
  3. When visiting others' blogs, try to visit the blogs in the blog list, could be their close friend or family members.
  4. To be noted, when visiting others' blogs, try to leave your footprint whether in shoutbox or leaving comment in the blog post to let the owner know that you had visited the blog.
You may try these and will be happy later... peace no worries... (^_^)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Appreciate Your Blog

Appreciate Your Blog

Do you appreciate your blog? Most of bloggers forgot about this. After having a blog, do not simply leave it like that. What I mean here is, try to customize your blog. Make it cheerful and alive.

For personal blog, a blog is like an electronic diary which consist of your everyday life. So, you might want your readers to come back later. This is called loyal readers.

My suggestions are :

  1. Change your blog appearance periodically could be once in 3 months time
  2. Make variety of blog post. Not just simple concentrate in one interest or preference.
  3. Cheer up your blog by doing Giveaway, Segment or Contest. This will appreciate your readers and let them have something from you.
  4. Update your blog.
  5. Blogwalking to other blog. Let others know your existence.
  6. Leave comments on others's blog
The most important thing here is your blog must have visitors daily. That's how you appreciate your blog and make it interesting for other people to always stick to your blog.
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Alexa Ranking